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Sitnasuak Native Corporation Ranks #29 on the Alaska Business Monthly Top 49ers List

November 2, 2023 Once again Sitnasuak Native Corporation has made its way onto the Alaska Business Monthly Top 49ers list for 2023, ranking no. 29 ...Read More

Sitnasuak’s 50th Annual Meeting of Shareholders

Quyana to all who attended the SNC 50th Annual Meeting of Shareholders on Saturday!  We would like to welcome back continuing directors Gloria Ann Karmun, ...Read More

Sitnasuak Native Corporation Authorizes Conveyance of ANCSA Land into SNC Trust

Sitnasuak Native Corporation (SNC) announces their plan to convey 12,212 acres of land into the SNC Settlement Trust (SNC Trust or Trust). The SNC ...Read More

Sitnasuak Native Corporation Launches New MySitnasuak App

Sitnasuak Native Corporation (SNC) is excited to share that their new MySitnasuak App is now available for both Apple & Android users!  The MySitnasuak Mobile App will ...Read More

Sitnasuak Native Corporation Announces Partnership with the National Park Foundation

On August 11, 2022, an event was held at the Sitnasuak Native Corporation (SNC) Nome office for the announcement of our partnership with the National ...Read More

Sitnasuak Seeks Advisory Committee Members

Nome, Alaska | May 3, 2022 Sitnasuak Native Corporation (SNC) invites interested Shareholders to serve as advisory members for the SNC Elders Committees. Letters of ...Read More

SNC Seeks Proposals for Project Management Services

SNC requests proposals from qualified individuals or companies interested in providing Project Management services for an office building renovation project in Nome, Alaska. SNC will ...Read More

Sitnasuak Successfully Advanced to #25 in the Top 49ers Ranked by Alaska Business Monthly

Nome, Alaska | October 6, 2020 SNC CEO Charles Fagerstrom shared, “We are honored and proud to be recognized by Alaska Business in the Top ...Read More